• 中国核心期刊数据库收录期刊
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中国医药导刊 ›› 2020, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (9): 669-672.

所属专题: 智慧监管专栏

• 智慧监管专栏 • 上一篇    



  1. 温州市龙湾区市场监督管理局, 浙江 温州 325000
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-09 修回日期:2020-06-09 出版日期:2020-09-29 发布日期:2020-11-10

Exploration and Practice of Online Supervision System for Licensed Pharmacist Face Recognition

  1. Longwan District Administration for Market Regulation, Zhejiang Wenzhou 325000, China
  • Received:2020-11-09 Revised:2020-06-09 Online:2020-09-29 Published:2020-11-10

摘要: 针对药品经营企业执业药师“虚挂”“跑堂”,及违规销售处方药等市场监管部门监管工作的难点和痛点,温州市龙湾区市场监督管理局积极探索监管新模式,利用“互联网+”与大数据分析技术,大力推进药品安全工作数字化建设,开发建设了“执业药师人脸识别在线监管系统”。本文从执业药师人脸识别在线监管系统建设的背景与内容出发,详细介绍了系统总体框架设计和各个系统功能模块,阐释了该系统的主要做法和成效以及展望。

关键词: font-size:medium, ">执业药师;人脸识别;监管

Abstract: In view of the difficult points in the supervision work of market supervision departments,such as licensed pharmacists "license leasing" and illegal sales of prescription drugs in drug distributing enterprises, Longwan District Administration for Market Regulation actively explores the new mode of supervision, makes use of "Internet +" and big data analysis technology, vigorously promotes the digital construction of drug safety supervision work, and develops and builds the "licensed pharmacist face recognition online supervision system". Starting from the background and content of the construction of "licensed pharmacist face recognition online supervision system", this paper introduces the overall framework design of the system and each system function module in detail, and explains the main practices, advantages and characteristics of the system.

Key words: font-size:medium, ">Licensed pharmacists; Face recognition; Supervision
